Monday, January 31, 2011

The Shape I'm In

I had a long weekend from work this past weekend.

Let's just say I was not ready to go to work today.

Back to the grind, as usual.

Remember the Giselle diet?

Yeh, the one I'm on to lose some weight and tone it up before our cruise in May.

I totally failed last week.

It started with some M&Ms, and then a little Burger King, and ended with doughnuts on Saturday morning.


And Ben is a bad influence on me. First thing he said to me on Saturday morning, stinky breath and all, "Want to go to Krispy Kreme?"

Who can resist that stinky breath, messy hair, sleepy eyed look from their husband when all they have on their mind is doughnuts?

I had a chocolate iced doughnut Saturday morning.

And we bought some for Sunday morning, too.

We are back in full swing with the regime today!

Back to the gym (I bought new workout pants at the Nike outlet store yesterday. SCORE!) where I punched out 3 1/2 miles on the elliptical, plus my weight training.

Then we headed to Publix (aka Heaven) afterwards to get food for the week.

This week's menu:
fresh grilled salmon with fresh green beans
homemade soup with chicken and veggies (I posted this recipe already)
grilled lemon chicken with sweet corn
grilled steak with new potatoes and broccoli



Ben and I have been doing a little searching and a lot of thinking.

We visited another church last week and this past Sunday.

We feel like maybe God's leading us to somewhere new.

Somewhere out of our comfort zone. At this other church, we don't know anybody (actually, I know one person, but it was pure coincidence running into her after the service). We are total strangers to these people.

And it's just DIFFERENT. Ben and I grew up in similar churches. Southern Baptist churches are pretty much all the same. You know when to stand up, sit down, pass the offering plate, etc.

There's nothing WRONG with that. We're just not being challenged by it. Church is supposed to challenge you, not go in one ear and out the other, which is how we've felt for a while.

That's not to say that others are feeling the same way. Others could hear the same thing and be totally challenged by it. This is solely about Ben and me and the point we are at with our relationship with God. The church we have been attending is a great church full of great people. We just may be moving in a different direction.

So, the past two times we've been to this church, we've left the sermon feeling challenged. The sermon was applicable to life and we could use it. God could use us.

Are we sure we're going to join this church? No. We're going to visit their small groups first and see if it is a move we want to make.

It's just a weird feeling to know that different could be better than what we already had, which was great.

Sorry for my ramblings. It's a Monday. My brain is on auto-pilot.


Talk about stuck in your head. And I don't even like Joe Nichols, but this song is great.

Keep your tissues handy for the video, btw. Thanks to our military for serving and sacrificing. Never forget.

The sun came up again this morning
I took my old fastback for a spin
Now when it rains, it ain't always pouring
And I'm learning how to live again.

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