Friday, January 7, 2011

Let's Get Physical

I don't believe in New Year's Resolutions.
Why? Because they never last.
People always resolve to do things that are way out of reach.
Stop smoking.
Lose weight.
Eat healthier.
Save money.
Drink less.
How about narrowing those down a little bit, buddy?
Yesterday, I had a revelation.
I need to resolve to do these things every day. (Not the stop smoking thing. I don't smoke.)
Ben and I need to be socking away some cash. We all need to eat a little healthier and there are those pesky 10 pounds around the middle that I just can't seem to shake.
So, I texted Ben yesterday and asked if I could join the gym with him.
His first reaction was, "WHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTT??????"
He has never in 4 years seen me do any exercise. I typically don't like it. I feel like it's a waste of time and I could be spending my time doing other things that I actually enjoy.
His second, much sweeter reaction was, "I like the way you are. You look great. Did I say something to make you think you need to lose weight?"
My sweet, sweet husband. He has never said anything to make me feel like I needed to lose a few. He tells me every day that I am beautiful and when my clothes look good on me.
I had just noticed in a few pictures that my arms are not nearly as defined as I want them to be. I have belly flab that I just want to disappear so I don't have to hide it any more. And I just want to feel GOOD all the time. Stop being tired and restless. I recognize that I am not fat. I just want to tone it up a bit.
So, we went to the gym together last night.
First, I surprised him with my "gym outfit." I have a great cut-off 80s sweatshirt that I threw on over a sports bra with matching cut-off sweatpants. Then, I added rainbow leg warmers and a baby-blue visor. I completed my outift with a ponytail on top of my head and giant water bottle.
He walked in and said, "I am NOT going with you."
I had to change. (Total joke. I would never wear that in public.)
I was super nervous about being in the gym again. I haven't been to the gym in over 5 years. I am WAY out of shape. Ben calmed my fears by telling me all about the gym so I wouldn't walk in wide-eyed like I was at Disney World. :)
I chose the elliptical machine, put my earphones in, and got to work. Ben hopped on the treadmill in front of me and started RUNNING. He's WAY more in shape than me. In the time he did three miles, I did two. But hey, TWO MILES is pretty stinkin awesome for someone as out of shape as me!
Then, he started doing ab work. I did some arm stuff on the circuit training machines.
Not gonna lie, I felt like a complete goob. I always feel like people are looking at me while I do this sort of thing and that I'm doing it wrong and that they're making fun of me for doing it wrong.
But seriously, how many ways can I do the bicep curl machine wrong? There are pictures on the machine.
Which made me feel even more like a goob because I had to look at the picture to see exactly what I was supposed to be doing. Sigh.
I felt GREAT when we finished. I was energized and happy, though I had crazy sea legs from the elliptical. I'm just a little sore today, mostly because I've been sitting for most of the day. I did force myself to wear heels to work. Flats would be too easy.
I could get used to this.
Random Blog Post Fact: I did not supply pictures with this post because my husband would have SHOT me if I had brought my camera to the gym. But I looked a hot mess when we finished. And my husband? Well, he just looked HOTT. :)


  1. You should have SO posted the pic of you in your "joke" exercise outfit! bahahahaha

  2. I didn't take a good picture with my camera! Just with my phone! And my phone is ghetto, so I can't upload my pictures to the computer!
