Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday


No song title?

Because today's post is different!


I'm linking up to Jamie's "What I'm Loving Wednesday" over at This Kind of Love, a new blog I'm following!

Here are the things I'm loving this week!

1. My sweet, sweet puppy.

She's figured out that Dad (Ben) is the one she plays with and I'm the one she snuggles with. There is nothing better than that sweet puppy looking at me in the morning right after I wake up. She army crawls up by me and we spend a few minutes just loving on each other before I have to drag myself out of bed.

2. Scattegories - Cattegories

If you haven't played this version of Scattegories, you've got to. SOOOOOOO much fun and a little different from regular Scattegories. Ben and I find ourselves playing when we're bored, just the two of us!

3. Ben passed the polygraph test portion of the Trooper process! YAY!!!!! I didn't marry a liar!



They will be arriving sometime next week, via I paid $29 for these babies! WHOO HOO!!!!! Thank you, Kenneth Cole.

5. A quick trip to Dothan tomorrow night for a doctor's visit Friday morning. Conestoga and American Idol with Mom!

6. The new season of American Idol.


These judges are fantastic. Just when I thought Idol was on it's way out, they've revamped themselves and it's better than ever! Can't wait to see how this season plays out!

7. A 60 degree forecast for Saturday! SUNSHINE!!!!!!!!!

8. As always, my sweet husband!

RANDOM TRIVIA FACT: The news that we're watching said that 14% of women would consider choosing their dog over their significant other if forced to choose. I mean, I love Charlotte, but I sure do love my man!

1 comment:

  1. * We had a trip to Dothan last weekend and had Conestoga! mmmm! (AND, Eli got to meet your mom @ church!)

    * I agree 100% about Idol.
