Friday, March 4, 2011

Bad Boys

I have been way too excited for words.

Remember this guy?

My husband?

The State Troopers called him on Tuesday to set up a home interview with us on this coming Monday!


That means background checks are pretty much complete and they're going to come sit on my couch on Monday night and talk to Ben about WHY he wants to be a State Trooper.

They're going to talk to me, too, about how I feel about him wanting to be a State Trooper.

How do I feel about him being a State Trooper?

I feel GREAT about it.

I knew going into our marriage that this is what he wanted to do. Ben wants to be a cop. He feels like this is what he is led to do. He wants to help people. He wants to make a difference. He wants to be that first responder. He wants to be that voice of reason in the midst of chaos.

And he wants to wear the hat so low on his eyebrows that you can't see his eyes.
Which I am NOT complaining about. There is something about a man in uniform...

Am I scared for him?

This is not a safe job. He will be involved in high speed chases and drug busts. He will walk up to a car not knowing what is inside. He will be on the side of an interstate with cars flying by, missing him by a few feet. He will only be armed with a pistol and a tazer, while the person inside the car may have way more.

But I believe in the protection of our Lord. I believe that the Lord will put a hedge of angels around him while he is in danger's way. And if the Lord allows him to be injured, or even killed, Ben will be completing the work the Lord called him to.

It's not easy to say that, but the possibilities are real.

But I remember the reasons why Ben will be so good at this job.

He is diligent and hard working. He puts thought behind his actions and acts intentionally. He trusts his instincts and listens to his heart, rather than his reason. He is compassionate for the hurting. He is a quick thinker. He is calm and rational in situations of emergency.
So, basically, he's everything I'm not. He's my lobster.

I am fully prepared to tell this agent who is coming to sit on my couch on Monday night exactly why they should pick my husband.

I'm also going to bribe him with brownies.

You never know what they're looking for.

RANDOM COP STORY: So in Vermont this week, a guy gets pulled over for a DUI. The cop has him outside, giving him the sobriety test, and his two buddies in the car LIGHT A JOINT. Needless to say, they all three went to jail.


  1. Congrats! How awesome... Now I can drop his name at all the road blocks I run through!

  2. he's your lobster, hahaha....

    and, yayyyy ben!

  3. You don't know me - but I follow you through Carlin's blog. Interestingly... I went through basically the same thought processes 35 years ago (YIKES that makes me old!) when two officers came to our house to interview us for my husband, Larry, to become a Jackson Police Officer. He, too, felt that police work was a "holy calling" for him... and 20 years on the dept. bore out that belief. Throughout his career - his focus was on two very different areas. He worked for many years in Vice and Narcotics, which was great fun for him - just because many times it was a game of "wits." The rest of the time he spent in the Child Protection Unit - which was really his heart.

    I'll enjoy following you and your husband's new career.

  4. Thanks for reading!

    Blake - I'm so excited you blog now.

    Becca - I'm glad you got the Friends reference! I was hoping someone would!

    Fran - It's nice to meet you! Police work truly is a calling. I'm glad someone is reading who understands!

  5. How awesome! I hope the interview goes well (: The Lord will protect him!

  6. You should actually print this out...hide it away and when you are at your wit's end, pull it out and read it. Remembering that you wrote it! On more than one occasion you will ask yourself, "WHAT WAS I THINKING???" But only for a minute. Trust is a huge part and the hardest part. He is going to be a great Trooper! (And yep...I can hear Phoebe sayin' it, too...hahaha) I love you!!! :)
