Friday, March 11, 2011

Old Blue Chair

I love my job.

I really do.

We have a lot of fun here and it's a super laid back office.

I get to keep Facebook/Blogger/Yahoo/Gmail open on my desktop all day long.

I'm on my lunchbreak - sitting at my desk eating hummus and chips and writing you this blog post.

But I really want to be here. Feel me?

It has been so gloomy and rainy and dark in Birmingham lately. I just want to escape to sand, sunshine, an icy beverage, and my husband in nothing but swim trunks.

Maybe we could break ourselves away from the shore to the quaint shops of this coastal town.
Someone would be playing steel drums in the background.

We would enjoy some spicy island food and make friends with the bartender who is American, but chose to live in this tropical locale - because he CAN.

We would mosey back to our turquoise blue Adirondack beach chairs. Ben would lay his down flat and make a pillow out of his tshirt so he could lay on his face. I would be armed with SPF 3249723847287, a good book, and an umbrella, digging my toes deep into the sand until I could feel coolness.

A cabana boy would come by and ask to refill my daiquiri...several times...

When the sun goes down, Ben and I would leave the beach for our private cabin and we would lay down together in the white hammock amid the green landscape, and we would drift asleep there, listening to the sound of the waves crashing against the shore.

I can taste the sea salt now.

RANDOM FUN FACT: I have new followers! YAY! If you are reading this blog, click the "follow" button. It's not hard.


  1. I agree. It would be great to ecape to a small exotic island until the sun decides to stick around for a while.

    You look so familiar. I just can't put my finger on it. Maybe through my mother in law? Does Janet Blair ring a bell?

  2. I don't know your mother in law, but I know your husband! I was Katie Thornton, went to Calvary in Dothan, etc. I think we may have met once at The Mark! I don't even know how I came across your blog yesterday!

  3. Haha. The Mark! We would have been dating then! It really is a small world! Well, now we are connected in the blogger world!

  4. Your job sounds amazing! I'd love to be able to blog at work. I don't think my patients would appreciate it...haha.

    I wish our beach vacation wasn't 6 months away...your pictures make me want to go now!!

  5. Jennifer....I'm Katie's mom (Sylvia). And I've been playing in the orchestra pit with Janet for several years now with SEACT! Ha!! I didn't know that Jonathan was her son until I saw him wave from the balcony the other night. I don't really "know" him, but I know who he is through Katie. Small world :)
