Saturday, March 26, 2011

I Love My Dog

I have blogger block.

I haven't really had anything to write about all week.

So I'll write about what I love most next to my husband.

a.k.a. Poopy Dawg, Poopy, Poop Doggie Dog, Bebe Dawg, Baby Girl, Woopy, Woopy Poopy Pants...

Bless this baby girl.

She brings us so much joy and laughter.
Sometimes so much annoyance.

She is our baby.
Until we get a REAL baby, that is...
She is protective of her Mom and Dad, barking at everything that comes NEAR the house.
Including the neighbors in THEIR yard that she can see through the slats of the fence.

She loves being outside, but only on HER accord. We have to leave the back door open so she can come and go as she pleases. But close the door? She goes nuts and wants to come back inside. If the door is open, she'll stay out there forever, only coming in every few minutes to do a "drive-by" the couch and make sure we're still there.
She cries when she can see the bulldog across the street. She wants to go play with him so bad, but she's just too wild to meet all the dogs in the neighborhood right now.
Plus, we're pretty sure the owners of the bulldog are drug dealers...
She's a cuddle buddy when she is ready to take a nap. She will curl up right next to you, or sleep across your lap. When she's older, we're positive she'll be a wonderful lap dog.
She only stays in the bed with me. If Ben leaves before I do, she will stay with me for hours. But if I leave before Ben does, she's up and ready to play.

Ben is her best friend. She follows him around like...well...a lost puppy dog. She cries when he leaves and rejoices when he comes back, even if he's just gone to another room. She goes to him with her toys when she's ready to play.
I am her mother. She comes to me when she wants hugs and kisses and scratches. She knows I spoil her and give her everything she wants, even if I fuss about it. She worries about me when I cry and is excited for me to come home.
Really. Ben says, "Mommy's coming home!" and she waits by the back door.
I love the feeling of KNOWING that she loves us. She is so excited when we come home. We're trying to teach her not to jump, but sometimes, it's just so sweet that she can't get enough of us, so we let her anyways.

She reminds us of the Duck Hunt dog sometimes. She'll pop up at the foot of the bed and cock her head to the side. Sooooo funny...
She even had a duck to play with...until she killed it.
She just wants love. All the time. She seeks our approval and our acceptance. She wants our attention as much as we'll give her.

And we love to give her love.

I don't remember how we filled our time at home before we had her.
Or what my floor looked like before all the bones and toys.

She's one of the best parts about my day. I know as long as I have her, I have someone who doesn't care what I wear, or the zits on my face, or the failures I've made.
She loves me for the simple fact that I love her. I take care of her, and she takes care of me.
If this is what I'm like with my DOG, what am I gonna be like with my KID?!?!?!?!

RANDOM FAVORITE QUOTE: "We give dogs love we can spare, time we can spare and space we can share. In return dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made."

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