Saturday, February 26, 2011

All Things New

Lord, grant me patience.

I'm not going to go into stinky details, but I will tell you that it has not been a fun week in the Parrish household.

Ben and I have been at each other's throats all week. We've been putting a lot of pressure on each other and the bottle exploded.

On top of work, home, Charlotte, time, and everything else that strains us, we forgot about marriage.

We both have so much to work on.

I tend to blame Ben for my problems, when it's not him at all. Ben has to have patience with my while I sort this out.

Ben has some stuff he has to work on, too, none of which are easy obstacles to overcome. I need patience to wait for him and support him while he tries.

Lord, heal my heart.

A lot of really awful things were said to each other on both accounts.

Actions were taken that need to be forgiven.

Somehow, we became people that we aren't, and it's created a rift between us that feels like a giant canyon a million miles wide.

It's amazing to sit right next to my husband and yet feel so distant.

Our hearts need to heal and forgive each other for the mistreatment we both caused for each other.

Lord, thank your for your constant commitment and our many blessings. Remind me daily of these things, especially when I am feeling less than confident.

Yesterday, I felt like a rock rolling down a hill.

I started out fine.

Then, I got that gentle push downwards.

So, I started rolling.

The farther I got, the faster I went.

Then, I would go SO fast, that I couldn't keep up with myself, so I started flying.

I literally made myself sick from the worry.

But, I am so blessed.

I am blessed to live in a home, have food to eat, and a car to drive.

I am blessed that I can pick up the phone and call my mom when I need her.

I am blessed that I have a husband who loves me despite my faults and shortcomings.

I am blessed to have a God who created me to be me.

Lord, thank you that you make all things new.

Today is a new day.

I will choose to be positive and forgiving.

I will choose to love my husband the way I am commanded to.

I will choose to express myself rationally and like an adult.

I will choose to be the best ME I can be.

Praise the Lord for brand new days.

RANDOM TRIVIA FACT: I heard on the news that a 400=pound lady somewhere stabbed her roommate in the middle of the night for eating her Girl Scout Thin Mints. She really loves her some Thin Mints.

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