Monday, October 18, 2010

Wasted Time

I'M BACK!!!!!

Yes, people, I have been missing for a week. I know you have been absolutely riveted to know what has been going on in my life in the past week.

I am dripping with sarcasm.

I know you don't actually care, but I will update you anyways.

Atlanta was awesome. Mom has all the pictures. I will post them as soon as she puts them on Facebook. With the pictures will come explanations of how much fun we had. Stay tuned.

Charlotte did get a Halloween costume! Alas, it's not the pig costume. Ben was TOTALLY against it. He thinks Charlotte is too much of a tom-boy for the pig costume. I think she's too claustrophobic for the thing on the head. She is, really. She doesn't like to get under the blanket and hates being held too tightly. Anyways, we tried her costume on her, and it was precious, but I only got a picture on my phone (which is super ghetto and I don't have data on my phone to upload it) and the camera batteries are dead. I guess you'll have to wait until Halloween to see just how cute she is in her mystery costume...and what Ben and I will wear to match it!

I'm picking up my business again. I started a little side business last Christmas called "A Pig and a Paintbrush." I do cutesy little paintings and Christmas ornaments and other fun things. I sold a couple of paintings and ornaments, but really didn't recoup what I spent last year, so I kind of hung it up. (Too be honest, I didn't try TOO hard...) But this year, a girl in our Sunday School class has been put in charge of the Women's Ministry Christmas event this year. The theme is "Gifted" and it is to celebrate the gifts that God has given the women in our church. It will be set up like a Christmas Village style bazaar, and there will be vendors, food, craft demonstrations, speakers, etc. Ashley approached me about having a vendor table to sell A Pig and a Paintbrush items at "Gifted" and I decided to do it.

3 1/2.
So, I got Ben involved! I am in love with the precious wood door hangings that I'm starting to see on front doors in neighborhoods. I've seen several in stores and was not about to buy something that I know I can make myself. I decided that would be my main focus at "Gifted," so Ben and I set out to figure out exactly how to do it. In other words, Ben got a new jig saw, sander, sawhorses, and some plywood. I got to watch him explode with testosterone while he broke that baby out of the box and put on his manly safety glasses and tear in to the wood with a Tim Allen style grunt. Then I painted. :) They are super cute. I will post pictures of those later too, once they are finished.

In all honesty, my batteries died in my camera and I know we have some extras around the house, but I don't feel like looking for them because my arm is literally shaking from holding up a giant wooden present while painting the edges.

Maybe I can talk Ben into looking for them tomorrow.

I love love LOVE The Eagles. They are my absolute favorite band of all time. No doubt about it. One of my favorite music memories is going with my dad to the music store and buying The Eagles' Hell Freezes Over cassette tape (yes, I said cassette tape), popping it in the car, and him teaching me Eagles songs and perfect harmonies. Their music is the perfect blend of country and rock and roll. Ben and I got to see them perform last year at the BJCC, and I seriously cried. It was AWESOME.

This is my favorite Eagles song, Wasted Time. It's a perfect break up song. I would give my right arm to sing harmony with Don Henley on this one. Unfortunately, they did not perform this live when we were there. Just every other brilliant song they've ever written.

The autumn leaves have got you thinking
About the first time that you fell
You didn't love the boy too much
No, no, you just loved the boy to well

Enjoy a little Eagles on a Monday.

Random Trivia Fact: The Eagles are the greatest band of all time.

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