Friday, April 6, 2012

By His Wounds, We are Healed

There is something I need to tell you.

And this is something I'm going to tell you over and over again throughout your life.

I promise this is not the last time I am going to say it to you.

You were bought with a price.

A price that was paid with blood and pain, sacrifice and agony.

Although you are two weeks old and have not been given the opportunity to choose to sin, one day you will because you were born into sin. You were born into my sins, your daddy's sins, and all those who came before you.

Because of these sins, Jesus paid the price for your life with his own. He died so that you can live. Without his death, we would be separated from God forever. But Jesus became the path for us on that Good Friday long ago. He rose again on the third day and spends eternal life with our Father in Heaven. We will spend it with him, too.

By His wounds, we are healed.

One day, you are going to be old enough to understand this. You are going to ask questions - some I'll know how to answer, and some I won't. I'll do my best to explain something so unexplainable to you.

The day after you were born, our friends the Johnsons and Martins came to visit you in the hospital. Brian (the father of Emily Ann, who you are friends with but just don't know it yet) prayed for us before they left. In his prayer, he prayed that you would come to know the Lord at an early age, and that your life would glorify Him always.

I do so pray for this every day.

Both your daddy and I became Christians at young ages. I remember mine distinctly. It was VBS week at church, and I couldn't sleep one night. I felt that pull on my heart that I knew I was a sinner, and I needed Jesus to heal me. I walked out of my bedroom, and your Bubba was adjusting the thermostat in the hall. He said, "Katie - Go back to bed!" I told him, "But I want to be a Christian!" Big tears welled up in his eyes and he gathered the family around my bed. He made sure I understood the commitment I was making, and then I prayed the prayer with my family as witness. I still didn't sleep that night. My heart was so full and your GiGi had to tell me to stop singing songs because everyone else was trying to go to sleep.

I want this for you, too. I want you to become a Christian at an early age so that your life is steered by your Godly convictions. This is not to say that you won't sin, because you will. We all do every day. It's also not to say that you won't choose to ignore your convictions, because you will. Your daddy's and my life, and most people you will come in contact with, are living proof of this.

But you are forgiven already for everything you will ever do. When you are older, you will be confronted with the choice to accept this forgiveness.

Every night before bed, I hold you close and pray over you. I pray all these things for you. I pray that your daddy and I will raise you in a Godly home, where you will always see God's grace, love and forgiveness through our actions and words. I pray that you will have a desire to grow up in church, and that we will be committed to taking you. I pray that you will keep your heart guarded and pure, so that you don't go through the struggles I went through when my life was off track. I pray that you find a Godly man to marry one day who will affirm your convictions and seek the Lord before seeking you. I pray that your life will be pleasing to the Lord, and you will always find Him sufficient. And I pray that you will accept Jesus' forgiveness and understand his sacrifice.

My sweet child, this is the only way to live your life.

Like I said before, this is not the last time you will hear this. I will tell you all about His love and grace throughout your life. In fact, this is the second time I've told you this morning.

Because today is Good Friday. The sun is shining, the flowers are blooming, and your new life represents the joy of Easter. New beginnings and new birth, both physically and spiritually.

I love you, Brooke Allen. You were stitched together by a God who loves you even more than I do with an unconditional love that will never be forgotten. You can do nothing that will ever separate you from His love.

PS - I am a featured blogger today at my dear friend Courtney's blog, Check it out!

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely adore this!! She is so blessed to have a mom that will tell her all about Jesus!
