Friday, April 20, 2012

One Month Old

Today, you are one month old.
I am so in awe of you.

Every day you seem to be a little bigger, a little stronger, and a little hungrier.  I love watching you learn and grow.

You've had an amazing month, full of firsts.

You took your first bath in the tub.

You had your first Easter, which was also your first church service.

You went on your first trip to Dothan, which coincided with your first car breakdown (more on that in another post).

You had your first official photoshoot.
Also pictured is Sarah of T2 Photography.  We love the Boutwells and their amazing photography skills!

Your first trip to Publix, which is Mommy's favorite place on Earth.

Your first time baking a cake for Daddy.  Well, I baked it.  You were there for moral support.

You've been held by lots of people.
Nanny and Daddy John
GiGi, of course
Uncle Willie
Sara Elizabeth

You even had a party in your honor.
Held in Dothan by my sweet friends at Brandon and Rebekah's house

You can hold your head up for over ten seconds when you are laying against my shoulder, but we're still working on being able to do that on your tummy.

You smile in your sleep.
You also toot in your sleep, which makes you smile more.  Yet another trait from your daddy.

You've been to several restaurants, and did amazing at each of them.  I'm very aware of being "that mom" at public places, so I do everything I can to keep you from crying so you don't drive everyone nuts.

You're still not a fan of sleeping in your crib, but we're practicing that by napping in it during the day.
The stuffed lamb in the corner is a Sleep Sheep, which makes an ocean sound that you love.  Too bad it doesn't work at night...

You sleep wonderfully in the car.  I didn't have to stop at all on the way to Dothan (minus the car breakdown) or on the way back.

You eat like a champ, taking 4 ounces every 2 to 3 hours.  You have started cluster feeding at night, which keeps me busy, but keeps you from screaming.

You love people and never cry when being passed from person to person.

You always kick your left sock off, so I just stopped putting them on you.  I was fighting a losing battle.  Always the left, too.  Weird.

You can imitate our face when we stick our tongue out at you.

You can grip fingers well.  You've also grabbed my hair, my bottom lip, my shirt, and you snatch your burp cloths when you're really hungry.  You are definitely a fighter.

You want so badly to roll over, but just can't make it yet.  You can roll to each side and back, but can't get all the way over.  Sometimes you get frustrated at that.

You're awake for at least 6 hours a day and are a really happy baby.  The only time you ever cry is when you're hungry, which led me to figure out that was what you wanted when you are fussy at night.  This is why we cluster feed...
And you have LUNGS.  Geez.  Loud like your mommy!

Your legs and tummy are starting to fill out.  The little newborn pants GiGi bought you that were SO BIG they looked like MC Hammer pants now fit.  Your "I Love Daddy" sleeper looked a little smaller on you the other night.  I don't think that will be in your wardrobe for much longer.

Daddy's favorite things about you are all the little things about you that are like him - your cowlick, your pinkie fingers, your sleep habits, and your tooting.  Gross, I know, but he's a guy and thinks that's funny.
Your daddy sleeps with his hands JUST. LIKE. THIS.  I almost screamed when I saw you do it.

My favorite things about you are your sweet disposition, the way you smell after bath time, all your sweet little baby sounds, and that I can calm you in a way no one else can as soon as I pick you up.

There are a few news headlines that are worthy of mentioning in your first month:
- Peyton Manning signs with the Denver Broncos (which actually happened when I was in labor and we watched his speech during delivery...)
- The hoopla of the Trayvon Martin case, which I can't even follow
- Rick Santorum drops out of the Republican nominee race
- The Lakers trade Derek Fisher, which probably isn't news to anyone else but me and your daddy
- Sean Payton is banned from coaching our Saints this year because of a bounty scandal, and Drew Brees didn't report to voluntary work outs because he's holding out on his contract.  Our Saints are in TROUBLE!
- The judges saved Jessica Sanchez on American Idol.  Yes, this is news.

This next month, you will experience a lot more.  I got a new job, so I will be going back to work in a week and a half.  You'll be staying at a friend's house when Daddy and I are both at work, and you've never really been away from us.  It's scary for me, but I know you are in extremely capable hands.  
I have enjoyed the first month of your precious little life so much.  I am excited to watch you more and more.  I love every bit of you, and I praise God every day for this beautiful gift that I get to call my daughter.

1 comment:

  1. She is so precious!! And this is going to be amazing for her (and you) to look back on!!
