Thursday, March 15, 2012

Just Wait

People like to say really stupid things to pregnant women.

They also like to give unrequested advice.

By far, the most popular, and my least favorite, is "just wait."

"You think you don't sleep now? Just wait until that baby is born."

"You think you're uncomfortable and fat now? Just wait until you're 39 weeks pregnant."

"You think you have a lot of laundry now? Just wait until you add baby clothes to the piles."

"You think there's not enough hours in the day now? Just wait until the baby monopolizes most of your time."

Just wait.

Just wait.

Just wait.

And always coupled with a negative statement.

Like I didn't know before I set out on this baby adventure that babies don't sleep more than two to three hours at a time.

Like I didn't know I was going to get fat. So fat that not even maternity clothes fit at the end.

Like I didn't know babies wear three or four outfits a day because they will all eventually end up with spit up or projectile poop on them.

Like I didn't know when the baby is awake, she needs to be constantly watched and attended.

Really. I'm not stupid.

I know, "just wait." I have no idea what it will actually be like until she gets here.

Until she's up for the fourth time at night and I've done everything I know to do and she's still screaming her head off.

Until I've changed the 15th poopy diaper and wiped the never ending spit up off my shoulder.

Just wait.

Just wait until you see that positive pregnancy test and your mind literally blows. I don't think I've ever experienced more raw emotion than that Tuesday morning. It was excitement, terror, happiness, and fear, all wrapped up in a little piece of plastic that just told you your world was about to change in every way possible.

Just wait until you bust out of the bathroom door and scream at the top of your lungs to your unsuspecting sleeping husband - "WE'RE PREGNANT!" - and see that totally unawake face break into the biggest smile and see that first daddy tear.

Just wait until you feel her move for the first time, even though you're driving on the interstate and you're husband is in mid sentence. All you can think about is how that rolling feeling is your BABY, and how gracious and awesome God is that He blesses us like this.

Just wait until your entire family is present for the ultrasound and it takes almost an hour for your modest tiny baby to show her stuff. Then the hot tears of happiness as your husband wraps his arms around you as you rejoice together that the beautiful life you've created together IS someone - your little girl. And she has a name - Brooke Allen.

Just wait until all you want in the middle of the night is to get up to pee, and then go raid the pantry. Eating for two is a marvelous excuse to eat chips at 12am.

Just wait until you're so hugely pregnant that all you can think about is getting this baby OUT, but you recognize at the same time how scared you are to bring a baby into your home for you to take care of - and how scared you are to feel empty inside after she's born.

Just wait until it finally hits your husband that there's a baby coming, and his daddy switch turns on. He'll frantically pack a suitcase, install car seats, put together nursery furniture, and talk to your belly every day telling her to come out because he's ready to meet her.

Just wait until you love someone with your whole being, and you've never even seen her face. You know that her little body is going to fill that missing place in your heart that you didn't even know was there until almost 40 weeks ago.

Just wait. It's more than you can ever imagine.


  1. Your am amazing young lady. JUST WAIT till that little girl drives away for the first time in your car. You have a wonderful journey ahead of you. Enjoy Every Moment!

  2. Such an awesome post. Your just waits are far far better than the other stupid ones. It's so amazing- I can't wait for her to be here so our girls can be friends!
