Wednesday, February 15, 2012


We've been busy.

1. We are the proud new owners of this beauty.


I mean, we've been talking about buying a truck for 2 years now. We've been to every car lot in Alabama. We've looked at websites. We've looked at Craigslist.

FINALLY, our friend Scott at CRM Motors found this for us.

It's extremely nice, though. It's exactly what he wanted, and then some.

And the smile on my husband's face was worth it.

*Note - When I say "we," I mean he. And me being forced along.*

2. This little pup, whose main goal is to distract me from everything I'm doing and trying to look all sweet and innocent in order to get me to scratch her tummy for hours.

Notice all the laundry around her.

She's so convincing.

3. Our sweet friends threw us a Baby Brunch! We had yummy breakfast food and got some adorable things for Brooke Allen, who will be making her grand entrance in 5 to 7 weeks!

The onesie says, "I love Daddy," which he is a sucker for. Yep. She has him wrapped already.

4. My Valentine showed up with these at my work. He even took me to lunch. What a sweetie! Not only did he earn brownie points with me, but with my whole office.
And I am a TERRIBLE Valentine.

First, I completely forgot to get him anything.
So, a vendor came in to bring us Krispy Kreme heart shaped donuts. I thought, PERFECT! Ben loves donuts!

I drove into Hoover on my way home. They were out of heart shaped donuts, but Ben really wouldn't care if they were specially shaped, so I got him a half dozen chocolate glazed.
When I got home, I put them on the counter with full intentions to put a bow and a card on it so when he got home from work, they would be waiting on him.

Brooke Allen decided I needed to go to bed.

He got home and said, "Are those for me?"

I was so embarrassed.
He didn't seem to care though. There aren't any left.

5. My Valentine's date.

Oh, the joys of shiftwork. Ben had to work, so Charlotte and I had a romantic evening of Spaghetti O's, watching Dance Moms, and going to bed at 8pm.

She's just so dang cute.

Other happenings not listed/pictured:

Nursery is almost complete! I have to paint a canvas and get a rug, and then it's done! I PROMISE I will put pictures up soon. Maybe this weekend. I'm going to Target today to look at rugs.

We had maternity pictures made with T2 Photography on Saturday after our Baby Brunch. It was 40 degrees outside, and we did all of our pictures at Railroad Park in downtown. I thawed out on Sunday. I can't WAIT to see them! I will most definitely share the link when I get proofs.

We graduated from Baby Class! Whoop Whoop!

I think that's all. I have a RAGING case of Baby Brain (hence the Valentine saga). Tomorrow will be Brooke Allen update time! 35 weeks! I can't believe it!

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