Wednesday, August 25, 2010

You don't own me...

First Wives' Club is on! I love this movie! I stop to watch it every time I
see it on TV. I tend to do that a lot. This movie cracks me up. Diane Keaton dancing and and singing, "Don't tell me WHAT TO DO!!!" Sarah Jessica Parker as a nobody saying, "Why don't you go find this in YOUR SIZE?" Love it.

What does this spur? A list! A list of movies that I stop and watch every time they're on TV no matter how awful and corny and ridiculous they are. I cannot resist. First Wives' Club is excluded because it has already been

"I'd do anything for Selenas!"
This movie is awesome. Nobody J.Lo in a seriously tragic story.

"I'll never let go, Jack. I'll never let go..."
Are you kidding me? I saw this at least six times in theatres. Countless more once we owned it at home. I've read all sorts of books and owned the soundtrack and even had a replica Heart of the Ocean necklace. Greatest. Movie. Ever.

"If you're from Africa, then why are you white?"
Possibly the most quotable movie of all time. I own it, but cannot resist the Friday night TBS marathons of Mean Girls. So funny. And Lindsay Lohan was normal when this movie came out. Poor girl. I seriously pray for her.

"Look at you! You've got a baby! In a bar!"
Love this one! Mostly because people really think Alabama is actually like this.

"Why do you only eat the brown ones?"
One of the few true romantic comedies that I love. Yummy Matthew McConaughey. And when they break the statue in the park? HA!

And now I have revealed a strange obsession with Jennifer Lopez. Two J.Lo movies in one list. I haven't even mentioned her cameo on Will and Grace. Come on, everyone loves J.Lo.

That's my list for today. I must go now. Charlotte has passed out and her toenails are digging in my ribs every time she stretches out her long legs. Pretty sure I'll have bruises there tomorrow.

Random Fact About Me: I cannot stand unnecessary noises, especially when they involve the mouth. This includes food chewing, ice chomping, tongue clicking, etc. I also hate finger ticking, toe tapping, and sighing.

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