Friday, August 27, 2010

My Next 30 Years

Ok, so I'm not 30. 23, to be exact. But I've got a theme going of song titles for blog titles, if you haven't noticed, so this one fits it. Kudos if you name the singer. (Hint hint...He looks GREAT in tight jeans.)

But, it doesn't matter how old I am, I'm not getting any younger. I thought it would be fun to make today's list my Bucket List. The Bucket List is the list of things you want to do before you...well...kick the bucket. BTW, if you haven't seen the movie, The Bucket List, I highly recommend it!

So there are TONS of things that I want to do, and there are several things that I've already done, so I'm gonna write them on here anyways and cross them off. :) Shut up! I want to feel accomplished! Here goes...

1. Meet the most awesome guy ever and marry him.
2. Record an album.
3. Travel to Rome and see the Coliseum.
4. Get a tattoo.
5. Get another tattoo. (I'm thinking a cross or a sparrow...)
6. Learn how to shoot a gun.
7. Adopt a baby.
8. Have at least 2 babies of my own.
9. Own my own business. Like with a storefront and everything.
10. Be president of my kids' PTO.
11. Name all 195 countries. Right now, I'm at 182.
12. See each of my children grow into God-fearing, legacy leaving, contributing people.
13. Travel to Egypt and see the pyramids.
14. Be satisfied with how my bedroom is decorated. (I swear it's impossible.)
15. Learn how to cook on instinct, not on recipes.
16. Get a dog.
17. Teach her not to bite my hands.
18. Break the code of Moe's pico recipe so I can make it at home.
19. Compete in a pageant.
20. Compete in a pageant again. (Most expensive hobby ever.)
21. Host Saturday Night Live.
22. Write a novel.
23. Be an impact in the world by words and actions.
24. Learn how to paint with watercolors so they don't run and get muddy.
25. Sing with Don Henley, Billy Joel, and/or Elton John. Any or all of the three will suffice.
26. Celebrate our 60th wedding anniversary with my soulmate.
27. Travel to New York City and see a Broadway show.
28. Finish my degree in advertising.
29. Love my husband as greatly as possible every day that I can.
30. Leave a legacy worthy of the commission Christ left for me.

That's a pretty hefty list. Some things I'll never cross off, unless I'm a really, really, really lucky girl, or we go majorly in debt. Some are attainable; some are for fun; some are goals that will never be attained, but I will always strive for.

I need to get busy.

Random Trivia Fact: Dothan, Alabama, is known as the Peanut Capital of the World. However, Georgia technically grows more peanuts than Alabama. Furthermore, peanuts are not nuts. They are legumes, and are considered a protein, like a meat. :)

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