Monday, August 23, 2010

Starting Over

So, I used to have another blog, but I have a terrible habit of when I don't like something or I let something lapse for too long, I just give up and start completely welcome to the new blog. I have way more to blog about now than I used to, and I'm actually going to try to keep it up this time.
This is me and my super cute and amazingly awesome husband, Ben. We spend most of our time laughing together. I'm sure there will be many a blog post of the silly things he says and does to keep me entertained. He and I have a crazy love.

This is the greatest and best dog in the whole wide world, Charlotte. Ben and I adopted her about 8 weeks ago. She's a Lab/Terrier mix who is super sweet, and very fun. Right now, though, she's asleep on the couch, farting on me. Awesome. Love that Science Diet smell.

Me? I'm not that interesting. I go to work and then I sit around the house and do wifely things like laundry and cleaning and watch a lot of television. I just have some really interesting things that happen to me and my family that I think are funny and would love to share with the world. There are a few things you should know about me though before you make the commitment to read my blog:

1. I do love Jesus. You will see him mentioned several times. I suggest if you do not love Jesus, but would like to learn more about him, let me know. I would love to share.
2. I do love my husband. There will be sappy posts. Be prepared. There will also be some really funny crap that I post. He is freaking hilarious. But if you do not want to read about my husband, do not read my blog.
3. I am a Republican and a conservative Christian. If the event should occur that I choose to make a social commenting blog, it will be right sided. That is my disclaimer.
4. I like words. BIG words. Sometimes you may need a dictionary to use as a secondary reference while reading my blog. I'm not a freak. I just like words.
5. I think I'm funny. Other people think I'm funny. I hope you think I'm funny.
6. I really, really, really, really like lists. More than likely, each post will contain a list. It is my way of organizing my thoughts into concise points.
7. Each post will contain a random trivia fact because I am the queen of random trivia.
8. Seven is an awkward number to end a list on.

So, that's me. That's what to expect from this new blog of mine. I promise I will keep this updated. I hope that you enjoy my crazy life. I do. And yes, I named it after the TV show. My husband has a thing for Kim.

Random Trivia: You cannot sneeze with your eyes open. It is humanly impossible. You sneeze at over 100 mph. If your eyelids were open, your eyeballs would fly out.

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