Friday, February 3, 2012

33 Weeks

Well, we finally made it over the squash hump.

( hasn't changed the fruit size in like, 3 weeks.)


No wonder I can't breathe.

33 weeks. 49 days to D-Date.

Will I make it all the way? We'll see.

Here's a few pictures from our shower hosted by our Sunday School class! Brooke Allen got some WONDERFUL things, which we are so grateful for, and we had such a fun night with our friends.

Her Activity cute!

Nap Nanny and changing pad

Funny story about these bibs...The one on the left says, "If you think I'm cute, you should see my dad" and the other one says, "My Mom is hotter than your Mom." Ben is notorious for registering for things behind my back, both on our wedding and baby registries. I turned around in Babies R Us, and these bibs, along with several others that say stupid things, were all scanned and Ben had a silly grin on his face...Our friends, Chris and Amanda, thought they were too funny and bought them for us. My poor child. :)

Oh, and Ben is holding the crib bumper. GASP. Yes, crib bumper.

On Sunday, Mom and I are headed to Jackson to have a baby shower with Ben's family. Poor Ben will be working, so he can't go with us!

We also have our maternity pictures scheduled with T2 Photography next Saturday!

Last night, I FINALLY finished the clean out of the nursery! All the CRAP is gone! We have a nice little pile of items to be picked up by the King's Home next week in the garage. I organized the desk in the guest room, hung pictures that were in the nursery on the guest room walls, and basically reorganized and redecorated the whole house (nesting, anyone?). Brandon and Bekah, two of our dearest friends, are bringing all Brooke Allen's furniture up from Mom's house today for us! I can't WAIT to put it all together! :)

OH! And we found a pediatrician! After a Facebook poll and asking for several recommendations from friends, we decided on Greenvale Pediatrics and Dr. Stone will be her doctor! They came HIGHLY recommended. I'm very excited.

And I feel very accomplished.

How far along? 33 weeks

Baby Bump? No kidding.

Maternity Clothes: Growing out of some...

Weight Gain: Still at 25 pounds. Maybe I've plateaued?

Movement: ALL THE TIME. She hasn't settled yet. I'd really like her to pick a good time to move head down permanently...

Cravings: This past week was Rice Krispy treats. Ros at work gave me one, and I've wanted one ever since.

Symptoms: Still with the back pain. Braxton Hicks. Can't breathe. Can't bend over. Haha.

Sleep: The same. Off and on.

Gender: It's a girl! Brooke Allen is her name!

Belly Button: Getting flatter by the day. I don't think it will turn outie though.

What I miss: Being able to do more around the house. I've always taken care of most of the household chores, but now I have to rely on Ben to vacuum, swiffer, clean the bathrooms, move heavy stuff...I had a minor meltdown over not being to do things a few days ago. I can't even give Charlotte her medicine for a spider bite on her belly (poor baby) because it's a steroid cream and I can't touch it. I DON'T LIKE BEING HELPLESS!

Best Moment of the Week: Finishing the clean out process of the nursery! YAY!

1 comment:

  1. Awww, love the shower pictures! Such a blessing to get gifts from loved ones!!
