Thursday, March 31, 2011

Gotta Love Him

I have a really awesome husband.

So, I haven't had that great of a day. I'm feeling kind of down.

We need to go to the grocery store.

I texted Ben on the way home from work, asking if he wanted to go to the grocery store with me.

He answered back, "Yeah!"

Pretty enthusiastic, huh?

Well, he got home a few minutes ago and we are sitting here on the couch watching some of the Alabama basketball game.

I said, "So you like going to the grocery store with me now?"

He said, "No. I hate the grocery store. But I love being with you."


How did I get so freaking lucky?

RANDOM TRIVIA FACT: Today is the inventor of the Bunsen burner's 200th birthday. His name was Bunsen, and he's obviously dead. I'm not his biggest fan, because without him, I wouldn't have had to endure so many awful science and chemistry labs.


  1. Hi Katie! It's been a while. How are you? I love reading your blog--it's hilarious and sweet and you are such a great writer! I hope everything is great!

  2. Awww, that is SO adorable!! What a sweet, sweet hubby!!
