Friday, November 18, 2011

22 Weeks

Time for a Brooke Allen update!

How far along? 22 weeks. Over half way there! She's a papaya, although I don't exactly know how big that is.

Baby Bump? Yep! I'm starting to get uncomfortable when I'm laying down to sleep.

Maternity Clothes? Pretty much all I wear now is maternity clothes. I've GOT to clean my closet out to make some room.

Weight Gain: 15 pounds, as far as I know.

Movement? Yes. I feel her most when I'm sitting down at my desk chair or in the car. She LOVES to eat and go to church. That's when she kicks most. The other night, we actually saw my belly move for the first time! It was really, really cool, if you can watch it without thinking of the movie Alien.

Cravings: I had my first ice cream craving the other night. Ben went to the grocery store to buy me a pint. I got my taste, and now the rest of it is up in the freezer.

Symptoms: Hello, indegestion! I've opened a bottle of Tums. It was so bad one night that I woke Ben up at 1:30am to go to the gas station to get me a Sprite. I fought it for 45 minutes before I couldn't stand it anymore. He's a sweetheart. :)

Sleep: Pretty good, except I toss and turn all night trying to find a comfortable position.

Gender: It's a GIRL! Brooke Allen!
Belly Button in or out? In.
What I miss: As much as I love the comfort of maternity clothes, I do miss my regular clothes. I don't like wearing the same thing every couple of days. I like to mix it up a bit, but there's only so much I can do without my normal dresses and skirts.

Best moment this week: Watching my belly move. I just love when she kicks around in there. I know she's doing alright when I can feel her. She's a happy little booger.

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