Saturday, December 4, 2010

Killing Me Softly

My brain hurts.

I'm helping Ben put the finishing touches on his State Trooper Application.

It's, like, 30 pages long.

Kill me now.

I mean, it wants to know everything about him and me and his parents and my parents and his parent's parents and creditors and money owed and money made and education and units earned...

I'm surprised they don't want my blood type.


And they made it very clear to be extremely specific and THEY WILL KNOW IF WE'RE LYING.

I should be qualified to be an FBI agent after this.

Congratulations, Auburn, on a spectacular season.

Random Trivia Fact: My brain may explode before the evening is over. So might my house. You should see all the crap on the table that we've had to pull out to write down dates and account numbers. UGH.

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