Monday, January 10, 2011

Let it...Ice?

Are we snowed in?


Iced in.

I'm out of work today! YAY!

Charlotte is FLIPPING OUT. She is so upset that her yard is crunchy. Poor thing.

Hysterical last night. She goes outside to pee. She feels the snow falling on her back. She looks up to see what it is and it falls in her eyes. She's upset that it's in her eyes, but wants to badly to know what it is, so she continues to open her eyes and have snow fall in them.

Poor thing. Must be so hard for her to not understand stuff. With a child, you can explain what snow is and where it comes from and why it falls from the sky. Not a dog. You just have to laugh and give her love when she runs frantically inside after she's through.


So, people are idiots.

The roads are covered in ice. We've been keeping a pretty close watch on the news. We are prepared for winter weather. Not nuclear winter prepared, like some people suggest (milk and bread? what?), but we have food and there are fresh batteries in our flashlights in case our power goes down.

The newscasters keep saying, "You should really stay off the roads unless it is absolutely necessary that you drive." i.e. You're in labor and need to get to the hospital.

Then they say, "Hoover mayor Tony Petelos has ordered that all Hoover Police and emergency responders only respond to wrecks with injuries." This is because it's TOO DANGEROUS FOR POLICE WITH SNOW TIRES WHO HAVE BEEN TRAINED TO DRIVE PROFESSIONALLY to be out on the road.

Yet, there are people on the road...

One newscaster is literally standing in the middle of Greensprings Highway (because it's dead) telling people not to drive and that it's pure ice on the road. Some idiot in a Taurus drives by, slows down, rolls down the window, and waves at the camera. WHERE IS HE GOING?!?!?!?

People are stupid.

Speaking of stupid, two of my very best friends came to visit me this weekend. Lauren and Racheal were my roommates in Tuscaloosa. We never have fun.
I was so excited to see my girls. We have that weird relationship that, if you are watching from the outside, you would think there was something wrong with us. We speak in weird voices and have ridiculous inside jokes. Did I mention we are LOUD? It gets especially worse when our friend Caine joins in. Out of control.

I'm glad they came to see me. We will do this way more often.

So, the National Championship is tonight. I'm going to be cheering for Auburn.

Yes, I will be cheering for Auburn.

I feel like I should cheer for my conference even if my team's not in it. I'm really fed up with these "Roll Duck Roll" Bama fans. Grow up.

A. It's a football game, not life or death.
B. You are claiming that you want a PAC-10 team to beat an SEC team. You would not be acting like this if it were South Carolina.
C. If Auburn wins, Alabama would be the only state in football history to have two different schools win back to back National Championships. How cool is that?
D. If Auburn loses, they would be the only SEC school to ever lose the National Championship game since the inception of the BCS.

I feel really bad for the Auburn fans stuck at the airport this morning. Again, on the news today, they were saying that flights out of Birmingham from yesterday afternoon and today have all been cancelled, and any re-route flights would probably not get in the air until after 3:00 or 4:00 this afternoon, which means by the time they touched down (no pun intended) in Glendale, the game would be half-way over. I would be PISSED if I had spent that much money on tickets and couldn't get out of the state.

Oh well. Hubby and Charlotte are still asleep. We are going to enjoy this snowed in day.

Random Trivia Fact: 70 percent of deaths during winter storms are automobile accidents. The rest are attributed to heart attacks during snow shoveling and hypothermia/overexposure. Guess I'll hang my shovel up today.


  1. I didn't know you had a blog...we are Simply Sellers...check us out! You know I could pop any day now, so the labor part is really true for us, except we are snowed in...really! Y'all be careful!

  2. Oh my! Hope Olivia obeys her Mommy and stays put until the roads are clear! I can't wait to see pictures! I know she will be just as beautiful as her Mom!
