Sunday, May 13, 2012

Becoming a Mother

Before I became a mother, I could savor the taste of my food, instead of wolfing it down to get to a crying baby faster.

Before I became a mother, I could use both of my arms, instead of having one always taken by a baby.

Before I became a mother, I could watch tv shows in peace, instead of getting up every five seconds to make bottles or replace a pacifier.

Before I became a mother, I could nap any time I wanted, instead of trying to catch fifteen minutes of shut eye in between loads of laundry and feedings.

Before I became a mother, I could get 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep, instead of getting up at midnight, 2:00, 4:00, and 6:00.  

Before I became a mother, I could run to the store with just my wallet, instead of a diaper bag.

Before I became a mother, I could spend hours on the couch snuggled up to my husband,  instead of bouncing a screaming baby on my knee.

Before I became a mother, I smelled like perfume, instead of formula.

Before I became a mother, I viewed stretch marks as shame, instead of battle scars of being a home for a baby for nine months.

Before I became a mother, I could go to bed when I wanted, instead of at the same time every night after reading Bible stories and rocking you to sleep.

Before I became a mother, my world revolved around me, instead of around a baby who needs my constant love and attention.

Before I became a mother, I napped on the couch by myself, instead of with a sweet baby on my chest.

Before I became a mother, I had a flat stomach, instead of a pooch as a reminder of your growth.

Before I became a mother, I only dreamt about you, instead of living day in and day out with you.

Before I became a mother, I knew only the love of my mother, instead of the other side that she told me about for so long.

Before I became a mother, I never understood how I could love something so much, instead of not being able to imagine life without you.

Before I became a mother, I had a hole in my heart, instead of my heart bursting with joy every time I look at you.

Thank you for making me a mother, Brooke Allen.  There is nothing more I've ever wanted out of life than to love you.  You are my most precious gift from God, and I pray that I can be a mother that you can be proud of.  Thank you for blessing me so much already with your little life.

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