Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Your First Trip To GiGi's House

Mommy is falling behind on the blogging.  Its probably because there are some days you just won't let me put you down.

Just saying.

I finally have a minute to write about your first trip to GiGi's house in Dothan.

And yes, you are laying across my lap as I type this.

GiGi and I decided that you and I needed to make the trip to Dothan before I have to go back to work.

So, last Thursday, I packed us up and we hit the road.

Everything was going great.  You slept the whole time, and I didn't have to stop.  You started to fuss a little around Ozark because of all the dadgum stop lights, but I knew we were only 20 minutes from GiGi's house and we could make it there.


About 10 minutes away from GiGi's, I noticed lots of lights on my dash had come on.  Lights I'd never seen before.  "That's weird," I thought.  I texted your daddy about it, but I realized it was 2:30 and he was in roll call at work and wouldn't be able to read it.

About 30 seconds after that, I noticed my dash went dark.  The speedometer froze, mileage disappeared, and all the lights were off.  Then my wheels felt really tight and I felt like the car was barely accelerating.  It started to jump a bit, so I thought, "I'd better pull over right now!"

I'm glad I did, because the car shut off right after I pulled over.  I tried to crank it - nothing.  Tried again - still nothing.

"Don't panic," I told myself, as I fought back tears and rested my forehead on the steering wheel.  "Just breathe and think logically.  You're on one of the deadliest highways in Alabama with an infant.  Take care of her first."

Meanwhile, you were screaming bloody murder in the backseat.  I came around to your side, changed your diaper in the front seat, and gave you a few ounces of formula with you strapped back into your car seat.

After I got you calm, I tried to start the car again.  Still nothing.

Now it was almost 3:00.  I quickly dialed GiGi's school number.  She hopped in the car to come rescue us from the side of the road. I did my best to keep you cool while we waited.

GiGi called a tow truck on the way, and she showed up about 15 minutes after we called.  We followed the tow truck to the dealership and they told us it was probably the alternator and they would have it fixed on Monday.

So we unload ALL the stuff from the car (you take a lot of stuff when traveling with an infant) and moved it to GiGi's car.  We were exhausted when we got to GiGi's house.

Friday, GiGi had to go to work, so we hung out at her house until she was through.  She picked us up and we went to Olive Garden to have dinner with some of GiGi's work friends.  They got to love on you and you got some sweet gifts from them.

Saturday morning, we got all dressed up and headed into town to do my and GiGi's favorite thing to do together - SHOPPING!  We went to a children's store and then to the mall.  You were wonderful and slept the whole time!  You only fussed a little when you were ready to eat.

After the mall, we met some of my bestest friends at Fuzion for dinner.  They had never met you, so they were all excited to see you.  Again, you were an angel at dinner and never made a peep.

After dinner, we went to Mandi and Mark's new house because I had not been there.  I got to meet their new baby, Optimus Prime.  I tried to fit him in the diaper bag, but Mark caught me.  Oh well.

Sunday morning, we went to Calvary!  Everyone oohed and aahed over you.  You got to meet sweet Ms. Beth, who loved your Bubba very very much.  You were great in church, even raised your hands while Rebekah sang, but started to get a little fussy close to the end of the sermon.  I took you to the choir room after we changed your diaper and you ate a bit.

After church, my sweet friends had a party for you!  We invited some good friends of GiGi and me to come over and spend some time loving on you.  We had a blast and I, of course, LOVED showing you off.

With the party hostesses/Mommy's best friends - Jayla, Mandi, Marah, and Rebekah

This stool was mine...It was my time-out stool.  GiGi gave it to you.  Maybe you won't have to use it as much as I did.

Sweet gifts from sweet friends.

Sunday night, we just hung out with GiGi.  She hardly put you down all weekend.  She loves you so so SO much and I know she is sad that she lives so far away from us.

Maybe that will change one day.

Finally, Monday afternoon, we were able to get my car and we headed back to Birmingham.  We were sad to go, but we were so excited to see Daddy and Charlotte!  We missed them a lot!

Here are some more pictures from the weekend...

Just hanging out on your bear mat from Uncle Wes and Aunt Dervon

 You look so tiny on it!

 Taking a bath in your "princess tub" that GiGi bought for you to stay at her house.

Doing Thriller in your sleep.

Wrapped up in your towel.

 Giving me the stink eye.  You do this a lot...

Friday, April 20, 2012

One Month Old

Today, you are one month old.
I am so in awe of you.

Every day you seem to be a little bigger, a little stronger, and a little hungrier.  I love watching you learn and grow.

You've had an amazing month, full of firsts.

You took your first bath in the tub.

You had your first Easter, which was also your first church service.

You went on your first trip to Dothan, which coincided with your first car breakdown (more on that in another post).

You had your first official photoshoot.
Also pictured is Sarah of T2 Photography.  We love the Boutwells and their amazing photography skills!

Your first trip to Publix, which is Mommy's favorite place on Earth.

Your first time baking a cake for Daddy.  Well, I baked it.  You were there for moral support.

You've been held by lots of people.
Nanny and Daddy John
GiGi, of course
Uncle Willie
Sara Elizabeth

You even had a party in your honor.
Held in Dothan by my sweet friends at Brandon and Rebekah's house

You can hold your head up for over ten seconds when you are laying against my shoulder, but we're still working on being able to do that on your tummy.

You smile in your sleep.
You also toot in your sleep, which makes you smile more.  Yet another trait from your daddy.

You've been to several restaurants, and did amazing at each of them.  I'm very aware of being "that mom" at public places, so I do everything I can to keep you from crying so you don't drive everyone nuts.

You're still not a fan of sleeping in your crib, but we're practicing that by napping in it during the day.
The stuffed lamb in the corner is a Sleep Sheep, which makes an ocean sound that you love.  Too bad it doesn't work at night...

You sleep wonderfully in the car.  I didn't have to stop at all on the way to Dothan (minus the car breakdown) or on the way back.

You eat like a champ, taking 4 ounces every 2 to 3 hours.  You have started cluster feeding at night, which keeps me busy, but keeps you from screaming.

You love people and never cry when being passed from person to person.

You always kick your left sock off, so I just stopped putting them on you.  I was fighting a losing battle.  Always the left, too.  Weird.

You can imitate our face when we stick our tongue out at you.

You can grip fingers well.  You've also grabbed my hair, my bottom lip, my shirt, and you snatch your burp cloths when you're really hungry.  You are definitely a fighter.

You want so badly to roll over, but just can't make it yet.  You can roll to each side and back, but can't get all the way over.  Sometimes you get frustrated at that.

You're awake for at least 6 hours a day and are a really happy baby.  The only time you ever cry is when you're hungry, which led me to figure out that was what you wanted when you are fussy at night.  This is why we cluster feed...
And you have LUNGS.  Geez.  Loud like your mommy!

Your legs and tummy are starting to fill out.  The little newborn pants GiGi bought you that were SO BIG they looked like MC Hammer pants now fit.  Your "I Love Daddy" sleeper looked a little smaller on you the other night.  I don't think that will be in your wardrobe for much longer.

Daddy's favorite things about you are all the little things about you that are like him - your cowlick, your pinkie fingers, your sleep habits, and your tooting.  Gross, I know, but he's a guy and thinks that's funny.
Your daddy sleeps with his hands JUST. LIKE. THIS.  I almost screamed when I saw you do it.

My favorite things about you are your sweet disposition, the way you smell after bath time, all your sweet little baby sounds, and that I can calm you in a way no one else can as soon as I pick you up.

There are a few news headlines that are worthy of mentioning in your first month:
- Peyton Manning signs with the Denver Broncos (which actually happened when I was in labor and we watched his speech during delivery...)
- The hoopla of the Trayvon Martin case, which I can't even follow
- Rick Santorum drops out of the Republican nominee race
- The Lakers trade Derek Fisher, which probably isn't news to anyone else but me and your daddy
- Sean Payton is banned from coaching our Saints this year because of a bounty scandal, and Drew Brees didn't report to voluntary work outs because he's holding out on his contract.  Our Saints are in TROUBLE!
- The judges saved Jessica Sanchez on American Idol.  Yes, this is news.

This next month, you will experience a lot more.  I got a new job, so I will be going back to work in a week and a half.  You'll be staying at a friend's house when Daddy and I are both at work, and you've never really been away from us.  It's scary for me, but I know you are in extremely capable hands.  
I have enjoyed the first month of your precious little life so much.  I am excited to watch you more and more.  I love every bit of you, and I praise God every day for this beautiful gift that I get to call my daughter.

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Faith of Abraham

Every night before bed, we read a Bible story from this book:
Our sweet friend Maegan gave you this book, and it is amazing. It takes Scriptures and writes them in a way for kids to understand it better. The illustrations are gorgeous, which is one of my favorite parts.

But my FAVORITE part is that at the end of every story, it points to Jesus.

In the story of Adam and Eve, Jesus is the Rescuer who will return to welcome God's people back to His presence, which is where they were always supposed to be.

In the story of Noah, Jesus is the ultimate promise that God makes to His people to save us from our evil ways.

In the story of Abraham and Sarah, Jesus is the perfect son who comes from Abraham and Sarah's lineage.

In the story of Abraham and Isaac, Jesus is the Lamb of God that is the final sacrifice of atonement.

While reading the story of Abraham and Isaac to you, I gained a whole new perspective. I wept and wept as I read it.

Until now, it has just been a story. God told Abraham to take his son to the top of the mountain and sacrifice him. Because of his faith and obedience, God stopped Abraham from killing Isaac, provided a lamb in the thicket, and rewarded Abraham by making the most holy lineage from him.

But as I held you in my arms in the rocking chair and read you this story, I suddenly realized the pain Abraham must have felt on this day.

Here was God, the God who he had followed and obeyed his entire life, telling him to kill his son. Not just his son, but his only son. A son that he thought he could never have because Sarah was unable to conceive. His pride and joy. The only hope for his family to continue.

But Abraham obeyed. He led his son up the hill, carrying his knife and ropes. He even had Isaac carry the kindling for the sacrificial burning. He laid the wood down and then tied his son to the altar. He raised his hand, holding the knife...
What was Abraham thinking? Were his thoughts prayerful or angry? Did he weep? Was Isaac looking up at him lovingly? Did Isaac understand at all what his father was about to do?

Did Abraham even understand?

I couldn't do it. I could not have the faith of Abraham. My flesh would certainly get in the way. Because YOU are my flesh. I would have done everything I could to resist God and His direction.

You are the most precious gift I have ever received and I would choose your life over mine any day.

But Abraham obeyed. As he raised his hand to sacrifice his only son, God stopped Abraham's arm from moving. He told Abraham to untie Isaac from the altar, and then Isaac spotted the lamb in the thicket. They then sacrificed the lamb, and praised God for His provision.

Abraham was told by God that because of his faith and obedience, the Hebrew nation would be built from Isaac. His family would live on for centuries, and the Messiah would be born of it. This Messiah would be Jesus. He would be the Lamb of God. He would not be found in a palace or a rich man's house. He would be born in a stable. He would be raised a carpenter. Then He would be the Rescuer of all sinners.

Every time I look at your beautiful face, I am reminded of this story. I cannot imagine laying you on a physical altar of sacrifice, but I can offer my own life as a sacrifice of praise to the same God who commanded Abraham. He is the same God of Isaac, Jacob, Daniel, David, Jeremiah, Esther, John, Paul, and Peter.

He is the same God today as He was in Bible times. He will not command me to sacrifice you. But oh, to have the faith of Abraham. To follow a commandment as grave as this one, no questions asked, no bargaining made.

I pray as you grow up that you will have strong faith. That you will be able to follow God, no questions asked, no bargaining made. This is, by far, the most difficult task you will ever be faced with because you are human. You will often think that you know better than God.

Trust me. You don't.

I can say this because I often think that I know better than God, and choose my own path rather than His.

I love you, Brooke Allen. You are my most precious gift, and I promise to do my best to be an example of faith to you throughout your life. I will not be an Abraham, but I hope that my life will be living proof that faith works.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

3 Weeks

You are three weeks old today.
It is so hard to wrap my mind around the fact that it has only been three short weeks since your birthday. It seems like so much longer and I feel like you've been a part of our family for forever.

Next week you'll be a month old. A MONTH OLD.

Time needs to slow down.

Our day goes a kind of like this. You wake up at 6, you eat, and go back to sleep. We either get back in bed or lay on the couch until you eat again at 8. You snuggle with me on the couch while I watch Wings, and Daddy usually wakes up between 8 and 9. You get a bath every other morning sometime around in here.

Daddy and I eat breakfast and then he loves on you for most of the morning. You eat at 10 and 12, and Daddy usually takes care of those feedings and the impending diapers after each. You nap in the pack and play in the living room. I try to grab a shower and do things around the house before Daddy starts to get ready for work around 12:30.

After Daddy leaves for work around 1:30, we take a nap on the couch until 3 or 4. You eat again after nap time, and then you start your awake hours. I usually plop you in the Nap Nanny on the dining room table while I fold laundry, eat dinner, and do other things. You LOVE the Nap Nanny, and I can keep a good eye on you while you're content in there.
At 8, we change into our jammies (which are SO cute on you), have your last bottle, and we rock and read a Bible story. Then I drag the pack and play into our room, and then it begins...

At 9pm, on the dot, you start to scream. Every. Night. From 9 until 10, I try everything I can to get you to stop screaming. I flop you all over the bed, changing positions, singing songs, burping you, giving you a paci, rubbing your back...NOTHING works. Not a thing. It is so bad that Charlotte even leaves the room and sleeps on the couch until Daddy gets home.

I finally break down at 10 and give you a bottle. You eat, burp, and cry some more until 10:45. Then, at 10:45, your magic button is pushed and you stop. You finally fall asleep on my chest. I try very hard not to move until your daddy comes home around 11:30. I threaten him so he doesn't disturb you, and he crawls into bed beside us.

Now, I always said I would never put a baby in bed with us. But this is the only way you'll sleep. We tried to go straight to the crib from the hospital. Then we tried to have you sleep in the pack and play in our room. Both of these had you waking up every two hours, and crying as soon as you couldn't see us anymore. You were really only sleeping 30 minutes by the time you calmed down, and then you were awake again. It was rough on us.

Once I figured out it was me that you wanted, I began putting you on my chest to sleep at night. You sleep the whole night through if you're with me, 6 to 7 hours straight. It makes for a happier house if you sleep, so I'll do whatever I have to do. In a few weeks, we'll need to start working on sleeping in the pack and play, and then moving to your room, but for right now, it works.
You are so much fun, except from 9 to 10:45. You are a sweet, sweet baby who is very easy going. Nothing really seems to upset you, as long as you get your bottle, and change your position every once in a while. You smile all the time and are starting to mimic our faces that we make. You love when Daddy sticks his tongue out at you and you concentrate really hard to stick yours back out at him. You've also found your voice and like to grunt and make little noises to hear yourself. You recognize my voice very well, and are starting to recognize your daddy's.
I am loving being your mommy. There is no place I'd rather be than with you, even from 9 to 10:45. You are such a blessing to us.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Your First Easter

Today is Easter Sunday.

It's my favorite Sunday of the whole year. We get to celebrate our resurrected Savior. I mean, we celebrate Him every day, but this Sunday is always special. The music is grander, the sermon is greater, and the fellowship is happier.

But this Easter Sunday was more special than all other Easter Sundays because YOU went to church today for the first time.

You were so beautiful in your little blue dress and "girly" socks. I wanted to cry when I put you in your dress. So sweet.
You slept all the way through church in your car seat. There was only one time that we thought we were going to have to take you out. You were squirming big time, and started to make your cry face, but then you went back to sleep. I guess you didn't want to miss any part of the service.

You LOVED the music, just like you did when I was pregnant. You kicked your feet and moved your arms, but you never opened your eyes.

There were a few times you even raised your little hands up during the songs, just like you were praising Jesus. Had we not been in church, I would have taken a picture. It was amazing. You know who made you.

You did not, however, like the clapping. This was a new sound to you and it made you give the stink eye a few times. Our friend, Amanda, suggested we start practicing applause at home. :)

The offertory song was How Great Thou Art. I just looked at you the whole time the music played and the song was sung. I cannot thank God enough for His amazing creation in you. It's mind shattering to know that He made you to give to us. Yes, How Great Thou Art!

After church, we went to lunch with Dollie. We ate outside on the patio at the restaurant because it was a beautiful day. You love sunshine and you stretch like crazy when you're warm.
After church on the way home, I turned around in the truck to check on you, and I saw something pink sticking out of your daddy's go-bag (a bag police officer's have to carry all their stuff in every day).

I asked him what it was and he pulled it out of the bag at the next traffic stop.

He said, "It's an Easter basket for Brooke Allen! I bought it on the street corner from a vendor last night!"
Hehe. Your first Easter basket came from a street corner.

But it was so sweet of your daddy. He saw the vendor when he was out on patrol last night, got out of his car, and picked out something for his little girl.

Sigh. I just love him so much.

After your daddy went to work, we took a nice long Sunday nap. Those are the best.
Then I had to break down and file our taxes. Boo. Good news is we're getting a substantial refund. Bad news is it's not as good as it will be next year when we can claim you as a dependent! :)

You were such a big help while I filed.
So was Big Sister.
We had a wonderful day today. I am so excited to spend more holidays with you and experience all your "firsts."

I love you, Brooke Allen!