Thursday, December 27, 2012

9 Months Old

You are 9 months old.
Time is going by so quickly.  I am trying to relish in every moment with you, but it seems to be so fast!  I cannot believe just how big, smart, and sweet you are.  Sometimes I wish you could stay this age forever, but I so enjoy watching you grow and learn. 

To start out your 9th month, you sat in the tub for the first time like a big girl. 
We've only had one topple over scare since you've been in the tub without your chair.  You faceplanted.  It scared both you and me!  Daddy had to help me finish because I was so shaken up.  It was only for a second because I was right there, but I didn't like your face going in the water!  You didn't either...

You had your First Thanksgiving!
It is super difficult to get a picture with two wiggly boys, a giggly 8 month old, and a teeny baby!

We started out on that Wednesday with dinner at Pops' house.  You have so much fun playing with your cousins Liam, Sage, and Lydia.

Your Daddy had to work Thanksgiving night, so we hung around the house with him that morning.  You were captivated by the parade on tv.
Then Dollie came over for lunch, and Your Daddy went to work shortly after.

We headed to Grandmother's (GiGi's Mom's) for the night with the Benson clan.

Your Thanksgiving dinner was very exciting.

On Friday, we headed out for our annual Girls' Day Out for Black Friday!

You played with your cousin Jesslyn...

...and met Santa!!!!!!

You LOVED him.  I wish we had gotten a picture of your first reaction because as soon as you saw him, your face lit up so brightly.  You went straight to his lap and laughed and played with his beard.  It was so precious!

After we did a little shopping, we headed to the flag depository that was placed in honor and memory of your Great-Granddaddy by the Gadsden-Etowah Patriots Association.  You helped put in a flag.
And yes, this is a picture of my awesome parenting - place your baby on top of a five foot tall box and walk away.  GiGi was not supposed to get me in the picture...

After Thanksgiving, life went back to normal.

You learned how to jump in your jumperoo.

You are the BEST shopping buddy.  You love to people watch so grocery stores and malls are your heaven.  You smile and laugh at everyone we pass.

You helped me watch the SEC Championship game.

You weren't terribly interested, but we are working on saying ROLL TIDE!

You wore your first Christmas dress.

We are working on table food, but it's just not your thing yet.

You would rather steal the spoon.

We had a pajama breakfast at Cracker Barrel after you spent the night with Dollie.

You LOVE the Christmas tree lights.

You have lots of toys, but you prefer the remote or my iPhone.

You went to our Sunday School Christmas party...

...and promptly pooped out in the backseat on the way home.

You wouldn't let me take this hat off.

And then you turned 9 months old!  And on Your Bubba's birthday!  He would have been so proud to be Your Bubba.

At your 9 month checkup, you were 20.4 pounds (75%), and 29.5 inches tall (still off the growth charts).  Dr. Stone told us we should start fielding basketball scholarships because you are going to be one tall girl!  You are perfectly healthy and growing like a weed!

You are wearing mostly 9 month clothes, and some 12 month clothes.  Because you are so tall, I have a hard time finding pants that are long enough!  The 12 month pants are great for length, but too big for your skinny waist. 

You love to eat, as long as you are being fed.  You really enjoy the chicken dinner purees, namely chicken with apples and chicken noodle.  You are not a fan of turkey.

I give you pieces of table food, but you really don't care much for it.  You are way more interested in learning cause and effect, ie pushing your puffs off the highchair tray.  Charlotte learned very quickly to stand below you while you are eating.  You laugh at Charlotte eating your food, and then you let her lick your toes and fingers.
You love Charlotte.  You watch her across the room and talk to her.  Both you and Charlotte are learning the meaning of the word "gentle," since you like to grab big handfuls of Charlotte's back, and Charlotte is not a fan of that.  But Charlotte does love to give you drive by kisses when you are playing and you laugh and laugh and hold your hand out for her to kiss.

Your two top front teeth came through, just in time for Christmas.  I have no picture of them, because you won't let me get one.  But I promise - they are there.  And they have been a doozy to come in.

You aren't crawling or pulling up yet.  You really are not one for moving.  You would rather sit and play with your toys or whoever is playing with you.  You don't roll over much, and you aren't making any attempts to crawl.  You are very content just where you are, as long as you aren't alone! 

I know that once you do figure out how to move, we will be in BIG trouble.  You are very curious, and I know we will have a hard time keeping you out of everything.

You are still my super smiley and super sweet girl.  You love people, especially Your Daddy.  You have the biggest crush on Your Daddy, and he has the biggest crush on you.  You are so sweet together!

I am looking forward to this next month, when you will have your First Christmas!  It will be so fun!

I love you, my precious angel!

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