Tuesday, September 18, 2012

To Remember When You're Older

It dawned on me today that I haven’t given you any life advice so far.  I’ve given you promises and mommy advice, but never any life advice.
I’m only 25.  I’ll be 26 next month.  I have experienced a lot in life, and I’m not even close to experiencing it all.  However, Your GiGi tells me all the time that I am wise beyond my years.  I mean that not in a bragging way, but that a lot of experiences in my life have led me to understand a lot.
So here’s my advice to you, Baby Girl:
 Ask questions.  There’s no way to learn without asking questions.  Why IS the sky blue?  How DOES Santa get all those presents to all those children in one night?  Is there REALLY a dog Heaven?  I’m going to do my best to entertain these questions because I know that you really do need to know the answers.
 To have a friend, you must be a friend.  I hope you learn early to not be afraid of people.  You can learn so much from people – especially people different than you.  Never be afraid of skin color or religion or multiple piercings.  That person may need a friend just as badly as you do.

Dance.  Wherever you are.  Dance.  And whenever you can, try to convince Your Daddy to dance with you.

 Life is very very very short.  Time will pass you by before you have a chance to act.  Act quickly, but with good judgment.  Never leave a regret.

The chances of you marrying your high school boyfriend are very slim.  Date a few frogs.  You will meet your prince one day.  But never ever ever date a boy who won’t come to the front door to pick you up for a date.  And never date someone you meet in a bar.  And by all means, don’t kiss the boys in the bar.

 Always use correct grammar when speaking and writing.  It makes you look intelligent. 

Find your niche.  It may be with the artsy kids at the lunch table, or the popular kids.  Find a group of friends who you don’t have to compete with.  A group that understands you where you can totally be yourself and feel no guilt for it.  The best friends are ones who know you’re crazy and love you anyways.

  If the popular girls don’t like you, don’t stress.  Rise above it.  They’ll end up being trophy wives anyways.  You are going to be more than that.

Never start a fight, but always finish it. 

Life sucks, and it’s not fair.  Whining about it doesn’t help.  Get out there and change what you don’t like.

Stand up for the weaker person.  It’s usually the right thing.

It’s always easier to complete your to do list first, before enjoying the day.

 Compliment strangers.  When you’re old enough to talk to strangers, that is.

Have FUN.  Stay up all night playing board games with your friends.  Jump in mud puddles.  Blow bubbles in your milk.  Climb trees.  Make blanket tents in the living room.  Do all these things over the age of 25, too.

 Make your own choices.  Don’t follow the crowd if following the crowd isn’t what you want to do.  Be your own person.  If people choose to not like you because you didn’t follow the norm, it’s their loss.

Be comfortable in your own skin.  You are perfect just the way God made you.  I will always tell you that you are beautiful.  And I mean it.  Don’t ever compare yourself to the covers of magazines.  Those women aren’t real.  YOU are – and you’re perfect.

Make waves, and not just in the bathtub.

 Don’t ever let anyone tell you that you’re too young, you’re too small, you’re too this or that.  You are important and you can do things as big as you want.

Don’t do drugs.  Just don’t.  No good will come from it.

Choose a career that’s right for you.  Hairdresser. Engineer.  President.  Garbage Truck Woman.  Whatever it is that makes you happy and fulfilled.  Because you being happy and fulfilled makes me proud.  Unless it’s a drug dealer.  Of course, if you never do drugs, you won’t have that problem. 

 Follow trends, but remember Modest is Hottest.  Dress how you want to be treated.  This goes for the dating world and the working world.  Girls in short shorts don’t get promotions unless they work at Hooter’s.  You should wear the same thing on a date that you would wear to meet his mother.

Remember that the sun is always going to come up tomorrow.  What happens today should not dictate what happens tomorrow.  Get out there and shine, no matter what the circumstances.

 Always remember who you are, and whose you are.  Your Gigi used to tell me this.  You are an exceptional human being with the power of the Almighty on your side.  Let that guide your choices.

Remember you can always come back home. 


  1. I have to say .... GiGi is right. You ARE wise beyond your years.

  2. This is so beautiful. She is lucky to have an amazing mommy like you!!
